Tuesday 8 March 2016

Could Trump's vulgarity cost him the nomination?

Stray penises have long been a problem for
presidential aspirants, but ordinarily
candidates try to conceal the evidence rather
than boast about the dimensions of their

Donald Trump's decision to do so in a televised
debate last Thursday, in response to childish
taunts from Marco Rubio that the size of his
stubby fingers was indicative of other bodily
endowments, may well come to be regarded as a
turning point in the race - the moment when his
bawdy, frat boy boastfulness impeded his path to
the Republican nomination.
The instant when he became a casualty rather
than a beneficiary of the kind of controversy that
so far has propelled his campaign.
The results from the weekend provided evidence
that Super Tuesday may have marked the point of
Peak Trump, and the race could become harder
from here. Ted Cruz, in winning Kansas and
especially Maine, did unexpectedly well, and
cemented his position as the billionaire's
strongest rival.

Source:  bbc

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