Monday 29 February 2016

Louis van Gaal: This is what I said to officials after Arsenal dive

 Manchester United boss had fans and TV
viewers in stitches when he threw himself
theatrically to the ground after arguing with with
fourth official Mike Dean about Arsenal's
constant diving.

Clutching his black folder, Van Gaal tumbled
towards he touchline in what was just his second
venture out of the dug-out since he became
United boss in 2014.

But the Dutchman has since said sorry to the
officials for his antics.
He said: “That was too emotional – it is not good
for the authority of the referee and linesman and the fourth official
“It doesn’t happen much normally – I have had a
lot of criticism because I am sitting on my bench.
“Now I am off my bench and I have lot of
criticism because I’m doing that.
“I have apologised to the referee and the
linesman and they have accepted it. I hope
everything is solved.

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